Serving The Fraser Valley & The Lower Mainland


Hi everyone! I'm Danika. I'm a Mom to 3 awesome kids, I'm a wife to my amazing husband, we have been together for almost 20 years, married for almost 14 years. He is my best friend and the reason I can so passionately pursue birth work.

I have a diploma in Social Services as well as several certificates/training in substance abuse, non-violent crisis intervention, anger management, among others. I was a Youth Worker for the past 15 years working with high risk, street entrenched teens, but I recently resigned to focus solely on my love of being a doula.I attended my first birth 17 years ago and it completely changed my life. It awakened this fierce devotion in me to support women and their partners. To educate them, advocate for them, love, encourage, and hold space for them during one of life's most transformative and vulnerable experiences. I am fiercely passionate about informed consent, I never want someone to walk away from their birth feeling like it happened to them, I want them to feel empowered to make the decisions that work best for them and their birthing experience.I live off coffee and carbs. I love being on, in, or near the water. I enjoy terribly inappropriate stand up comedy and I sorta feel like chocolate fixes most problems (convince me I'm wrong lol). I am a LGBTQ+ ally and I will never shy away from embracing, defending and advocating for a marginalized group. I am often asked "What kind of doula are you?" and I know what people mean when they say that. They are wondering if they want pain meds will I be ok with that? If they get an epidural will I judge them? If they need a C-section will I still support them? I always answer that question the same way "I am simply YOUR doula" I will be by your side every step of the way to guide you and make sure that whatever decisions you make are informed, to help you weigh the pros and cons of each option and to be a constant, unwavering support to both you and your partner. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I never grow tired of witnessing people become parents.

"Thank you for all your support throughout my labour and delivery. I appreciate you and loved that I had you and your aura around me. It sure helped me get through the wildest experience I've ever had"



As a client of Luna Birth you will have the experience of being completely supported and cared for during your pregnancy, labour & delivery as well as the postpartum stage. I am available 24/7 to answer questions, ease fears or concerns and to discuss any topic no matter how big or small. I am committed to providing the knowledge, education, and support to help you navigate this journey with the utmost confidence.

  • Complimentary in person consultation/meet & greet

  • 24/7 support via phone, text or email

  • Attendance of your birth from the onset of active labour

  • Postpartum support for at least 2 hours after delivery

  • Postpartum follow up within the first week

  • Ongoing postpartum support by phone

"Thank you so much for the role that you played in my son's birth! Thank you for your support, both physically and emotionally. When I was trying to decide whether to start pushing or to have a C-section, it was what you said that helped me know what to do. When you said having a surgical birth was not the easy way out, but was in fact a great act of love as a mother to sacrifice my body in order to ensure the health and safety of my baby, it clicked for me that that's what I needed to do, and I'm so thankful that's the choice I made"



If you have trouble submitting this form or don't receive a response within 48 hours, please email me directly at danika.almeida@hotmail.ca or feel free to give me a call or text at 604.832.6360I look forward to chatting with you soon.

Letter of Agreement Describing Doula Services, Limits and FeesWhat do I do as a Doula?
As a doula, I accompany the parents to assist with the birth experience. I draw on my knowledge and experience as a doula to provide emotional support, physical comfort and, as needed, communication with other caregivers to make sure that you have the information you need to make informed decisions as they arise. I can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner (if present), make suggestions for aiding progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for comfort. I am independent and self-employed. As your doula, I am working for you, not your caregiver or hospital.
Choosing a Doula
I prefer to meet with you (and your partner or other support person, if applicable) at least once before the birth to become acquainted, to explore and discuss your priorities and any fears or concerns, and to plan how we might best work together. The first meeting does not obligate you to use my services and we can discuss my fees at that time. Prior to the birth I would like to become familiar with your Birth Plan, including your preferences regarding medical management options and the use of pain medications. I also want to learn about your own best ways of coping with pain, fatigue, stress and how you and your partner foresee working together.
I will also inform you of times when I am not available for birth support. To cover those times, I will arrange one (or more) back-up doula(s) that you may speak with or also meet. Of course, you have as much choice over your back-up doula as your primary doula. We will also decide on other meeting times and will certainly want to remain in touch by phone.When you are in the birth process:
Please call me when you think you are beginning your birth process, even if you are not sure. I can answer questions and make suggestions over the phone. We will decide if I should come right over then or wait for further changes. I usually need approximately one to two hours to get to you from the time you ask me to come. We will also decide where to meet - at your home or the hospital. Except for extraordinary circumstances, I or my back-up will remain with you throughout the entire birth process.
I am available for phone contact to answer questions about the birth and your baby and would like to get together with you within one to two weeks after to see how you are doing, to review the birth, to admire your baby, and to get feedback from you.After birth
I usually remain with you for one or two hours, until you are comfortable, your questions are answered and your family is ready for quiet time together. I would also be happy to help with initial breastfeeding if necessary.
What Doulas do not do
As a Doula, I do not:
Perform clinical tasks, such as taking blood pressure, fetal heart checks, vaginal exams, and others. I am there to provide only physical comfort, emotional and informational support and advocacy.Make decisions for you. I will help you get the information necessary to make an informed decision. I will also remind you if there is a departure from your Birth Plan.As a Doula I will not prescribe, diagnose or treat any medical problems that may arise and will not be liable for interpreting diagnostic procedures. This is the role of your midwife or physician.In the event of a rapid birth or emergency situation, I will do my very best for you and your family.Failure of a Doula to provide service
I will make every effort to provide the service described here. Sometimes this is impossible (for example, with rapid birth). If I, or my back-up, fail to make it to your birth due to either our error, or your inability to call me in an emergency, you will be refunded all money paid in advance. If it is due to your failure to call me, payment will be owed in full.
Scheduled Caesarean Clause
Occasionally a woman will have something arise during her pregnancy that necessitates a scheduled Caesarean birth. If this decision is made two weeks or more before your due date, you may choose to cancel my services with no further payment owed beyond the deposit. Alternatively, you may choose to have me come with you to the hospital, accompany you during surgery (within hospital policy) or wait in the recovery room, and assist you with breastfeeding and adjustment in the first hours after your birth. An extra postpartum visit can also be scheduled at no further charge. In this instance my full fee will be payable.
Indemnification by Contractor.
Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Company and its officers, directors, contractors and agents, from and against all claims, liabilities, losses, costs, damages, judgments, penalties, fines, attorneys' fees, court costs and other legal expenses, insurance deductibles and all other expenses arising out of or relating to, directly or indirectly, from: The negligent, grossly negligent, or intentional act or omission of Contractor or its directors, officers, employees, agents or Contractors.
My fees for the services described above are $1,200
$200 as a deposit fee, due when you select me as your doula.The remainder ($1,000) is due at / or before 36 weeks gestation.

If you have trouble submitting this form or don't receive a response within 48 hours, please email me directly at danika.almeida@hotmail.ca or feel free to give me a call or text at 604.832.6360